Burnaby - 2294 Douglas Road Shelter

Exterior of the Douglas Shelter, Burnaby

Image courtesy of Google Maps.

The temporary shelter at 2294 Douglas Road has been extended until April 30, 2025. The City of Burnaby and BC Housing are working closely to support the City’s commitment to improve the response to homelessness in the community.

Progressive Housing Society will continue to operate the 40-bed shelter for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Burnaby.

The temporary shelter will continue to provide safe, secure spaces and supports, and provide connection to permanent housing and community-based services. The Douglas Road shelter provides the following services:

  • Staff are on-site 24 hours a day, seven days a week
  • 40-beds
  • Meals
  • Connection to health and social services
  • Fraser Health provides health services to residents based on individual needs

BC Housing and the City of Burnaby know there is a need for additional shelter space, supportive housing, and affordable housing in Burnaby, and continue to work together to support the community.


Progressing Housing Society will continue to operate the shelter. Progressive Housing Society has provided support services to adults living with mental health issues or facing homelessness for over 40 years. Progressive Housing Society is a proven leader in the provision of quality, affordable housing, and community supports for people who strive to achieve or regain independence within the scope of their abilities. For more information about Progressive Housing Society, please visit: https://progressivehousing.net/.

Temporary Shelter

This temporary shelter extension is part of the City of Burnaby’s larger Housing and Homelessness Strategy, currently being developed, which includes creating a new space to replace the temporary Douglas shelter. For more information about the Housing and Homelessness Strategy, please visit: https://www.burnaby.ca/our-city/strategies-and-plans/housing-and-homelessness-strategy.

As part of the strategy, there are several BC Housing and City housing options that will be completed in the next few years including:

  • 43 new homes with supports at Norland Avenue
  • Proposed affordable housing for mothers and children at Canada Way
  • Proposed 49 units of non-market modular rental housing for single women and women with children at 11th Avenue.
  • Proposed 129 units of non-market rental housing, including 26 units rented at deep subsidy rates, at Byrnepark Drive

We want to answer your questions

Please leave questions and comments below. You can also contact us at: communityrelations@bchousing.org.

Image courtesy of Google Maps.

The temporary shelter at 2294 Douglas Road has been extended until April 30, 2025. The City of Burnaby and BC Housing are working closely to support the City’s commitment to improve the response to homelessness in the community.

Progressive Housing Society will continue to operate the 40-bed shelter for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Burnaby.

The temporary shelter will continue to provide safe, secure spaces and supports, and provide connection to permanent housing and community-based services. The Douglas Road shelter provides the following services:

  • Staff are on-site 24 hours a day, seven days a week
  • 40-beds
  • Meals
  • Connection to health and social services
  • Fraser Health provides health services to residents based on individual needs

BC Housing and the City of Burnaby know there is a need for additional shelter space, supportive housing, and affordable housing in Burnaby, and continue to work together to support the community.


Progressing Housing Society will continue to operate the shelter. Progressive Housing Society has provided support services to adults living with mental health issues or facing homelessness for over 40 years. Progressive Housing Society is a proven leader in the provision of quality, affordable housing, and community supports for people who strive to achieve or regain independence within the scope of their abilities. For more information about Progressive Housing Society, please visit: https://progressivehousing.net/.

Temporary Shelter

This temporary shelter extension is part of the City of Burnaby’s larger Housing and Homelessness Strategy, currently being developed, which includes creating a new space to replace the temporary Douglas shelter. For more information about the Housing and Homelessness Strategy, please visit: https://www.burnaby.ca/our-city/strategies-and-plans/housing-and-homelessness-strategy.

As part of the strategy, there are several BC Housing and City housing options that will be completed in the next few years including:

  • 43 new homes with supports at Norland Avenue
  • Proposed affordable housing for mothers and children at Canada Way
  • Proposed 49 units of non-market modular rental housing for single women and women with children at 11th Avenue.
  • Proposed 129 units of non-market rental housing, including 26 units rented at deep subsidy rates, at Byrnepark Drive

We want to answer your questions

Please leave questions and comments below. You can also contact us at: communityrelations@bchousing.org.

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  • Please ensure your question is clear, concise, relevant to the project, and respectful.
  • Review our moderation policy. Questions that do not abide by the moderation policy or guidelines for respectful dialogue may not be answered.
  • We expect everyone will refrain from using language or acting in a way that is discriminating, threatening, abusive, racist or otherwise disrespectful. Discrimination or abusive language of any kind will not be tolerated.
  • Your question will appear once our team has answered it. If your question has already been answered, we may respond privately.

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  • Will BC Housing be working with law enforcement, and be notifying them when individuals on parole, or on probation and/or sex offenders are staying at this low barrier shelter?

    A Concerned Resident asked about 5 years ago

    Progressive Housing Society will be operating the temporary shelter. Clear channels of communication have been established which include connection with the Burnaby RCMP Watch Commander via E-Comm and direct contact with the Burnaby RCMP Mental Health and Homeless Unit.

    The intake process does not include criminal record checks. Progressive and the Burnaby RCMP detachment have an established relationship. The Burnaby RCMP conduct four internal staff briefings per day where any shelter concerns can be discussed, and representatives from Burnaby RCMP Mental Health and Homeless Unit will be attending the Community Advisory Committee meetings for Burnaby to address any concerns directly related to the shelter.

  • Will the RCMP be notified by BC Housing when individuals on parole, or on probation and/or convicted sex offenders are staying at this low barrier shelter? As a concerned resident, it would good to know that BC Housing is making sure that law enforcement are aware of any high risk individuals residing at the shelter. Hopefully, BC Housing keeps a detailed registry of all individuals who stay at the shelter.

    A Concerned Resident asked over 5 years ago

    Progressive Housing Society will be operating the temporary shelter. The intake process does not include criminal record checks. Progressive and the Burnaby RCMP detachment have an established relationship. The Burnaby RCMP conduct four internal staff briefings per day where any shelter concerns can be discussed.

    Clear channels of communication have been established which include connection with the Burnaby RCMP Watch Commander via E-Comm and direct contact with the Burnaby RCMP Mental Health and Homeless Unit.

    Representatives from Burnaby RCMP Mental Health and Homeless Unit will be attending the Community Advisory Committee meetings for Burnaby to address any concerns directly related to the shelter.

  • I understand that the permanent modular housing project at 3986 Norland Ave is set to open in summer 2019. It will consist of 52 Units. Would the 52 units house more than 1 individual per unit? & Will the permanent modular housing project at 3986 Norland Ave be able to house all of the 69 individuals* who make up the Burnaby homeless population?  Just wondering why a shelter (Douglas Road) and a modular housing project (Norland Ave) are both set to open in summer 2019 are so close in proximity of one another. * Based on The 2017 Homeless Count found 69 individuals experiencing homelessness in Burnaby. Twenty people were counted as staying in shelters and 49 were unsheltered – staying on the streets, in vehicles or Couch Surfing.  https://letstalkhousingbc.ca/9382/documents/17227

    A Concerned Resident asked over 5 years ago

    The 52 new studio homes at 3986 Norland Avenue are for 52 people – studio units are not suitable for sharing. The new supportive housing is a great step towards addressing homelessness in Burnaby, however, more is needed.

    Yes - the 2018 Homeless Count found 69 individuals experiencing homelessness. Homeless Counts are generally considered undercounts, so we know that there is a need for the  temporary shelter at Douglas Road. 

  • We have concerns in regarding the temporary shelter on 2294 douglas road. The area has developed into a residential area with lots of elderly and young families. Setting up a temporary shelter in that area would raise insecurity and risk to these group that are harder to protect themselves. Given areas near shelters have higher crime rates, this will post potential risk to the people living in the area. We hope that BC housing could reconsider and find another place that is suitable for the shelter.

    sosocharming asked over 5 years ago

    The temporary shelter is moving ahead at 2294 Douglas Road. The safety of neighbouring residents, as well as the safety of the people staying at the shelter, is a high priority for BC Housing and Progressive Housing Society.

    Progressive Housing Society will operate the shelter. They have an exceptional track record in identifying and addressing the needs of people who are experiencing homelessness. There will be experiencing staff on-site 24/7. A Community Advisory Committee (CAC) will be established to support the successful integration of the temporary shelter into the community, with representation from BC Housing, Fraser Health, the City of Burnaby, RCMP and selected business and residential neighbours. If you are interested in learning more about the CAC, please sign up for an information session or reach out directly to Progressive at exc-assist@progressivehousing.net and indicate ‘CAC inquiry’ in the subject line please.

  • Hi there, I am deeply concerned of where this project of temporary shelter is set to be opened. It has been brought to my attention that these temporary homeless shelter has caused uptick in crime (see https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/commercial-drive-businesses-crime-1.5134650). My grandmother, who is aged 90 living on her own right at the block usually commutes on her own on a daily basis. As much as I would like to improve the response to homelessness in the community, safety within the community is still the top priority. Hence, I am writing to object to this project. Yours sincerely, A concerned citizen

    somems1 asked over 5 years ago

    The safety of neighbouring residents, as well as the safety of the people staying at the shelter, is a high priority for BC Housing and Progressive Housing Society. Progressive Housing Society will operate the shelter. They have an exceptional track record in identifying and addressing the needs of people who are experiencing homelessness. There will be experienced staff on-site 24/7.

    For your information, as part of the establishment of the temporary shelter, a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) will be set up soon to ensure that concerns are being heard and responded to in a timely manner. The CAC will have representation from BC Housing, Fraser Health, the City of Burnaby, RCMP and selected business and residential neighbours. You can reach out directly to Progressive at exc-assist@progressivehousing.net (indicate ‘CAC inquiry’ in the subject line please) to receive more information about joining the CAC and/or participate in one of our information sessions on June 18 or June 19.

  • Can BC Housing apply for a extension to operate this temporary shelter past the 36 month period?

    A Concerned Resident asked over 5 years ago

    The temporary shelter will operate 24/7 for 36 months in this location.BC Housing, with support from the City, could apply for a one year extension beyond the 36 month term. There is no other extension beyond the one year period. The shelter will not operate in this location permanently as the area is designated for future high-density development. 

  • Why were the local residents of the surrounding area not consulted prior to this project's approval? Also, are you going to be renovating the existing building to accommodate the 40 beds, or will you be demolishing and erecting a temporary modular housing structure in it's place?

    A Concerned Resident asked over 5 years ago

    The site has existing zoning in place and, therefore, does not require a public hearing. The Shelter is temporary. It will operate for 36 months and will help people who need shelter. The existing building is being renovated to accommodate the shelter use.  We welcome any questions or concerns through this site, or by email to communityrelations@bchousing.org or by registering to attend a small group discussion session on June 18 or June 19.

    The existing building is being renovated to accommodate space for up to 40 shelter beds and four professional office spaces, plus additional outdoor amenity space for people staying at the shelter. 

Page last updated: 31 Jul 2023, 09:19 AM