Burnaby - Hall Towers Affordable Housing Redevelopment

Illustration of the proposed plan looking northwest from Edmonds Street.
Project Overview
BC Housing is planning for the future redevelopment of Hall Towers in Burnaby. The buildings at Hall Towers are over 40 years old. They are becoming expensive to maintain and will need significant repairs in the future. BC Housing has an opportunity to replace the existing units and add additional affordable housing as part of the proposed plan.
Located at 7272 and 7264 Kingsway in Edmonds Town Centre, Hall Towers has approximately 331 apartment units in two towers. Today, it offers affordable housing to low-income individuals, couples, seniors and people with disabilities.
The focus of the multi-year planning and redevelopment process is to replace existing affordable homes and add more affordable, non-market and market units. The vision for the site is to create a vibrant, mixed-use, mixed-income neighbourhood within a setting of attractive and accessible open spaces.
Project Phases
A conceptual master plan went to public hearing and was endorsed by the City of Burnaby in the spring of 2023. BC Housing is now working towards adoption of the master plan.
Later in 2024, BC Housing will start detailed planning of the first building in Phase 1.
Our Commitments to Hall Towers Tenants
Safe and secure housing for current Hall Towers tenants is a top priority for BC Housing. The planning and redevelopment process will take time. There will be no changes to homes at Hall Towers for several years.
- Tenants will be able to stay in their current home until their new home at Hall Towers is complete.
- Tenants will not lose their homes. BC Housing will work with each tenant to ensure their housing needs are secure throughout the process.
- Tenants will get to choose whether they want to move into a new home at Hall Towers.
- BC Housing will pay for reasonable moving costs. This includes hiring movers and reconnecting utilities like telephone and cable.
- When tenants move into new homes, they will have the same rental arrangement, unless their income or family size has changed.
Community Engagement
BC Housing values input from the community. We are committed to a tenant-first approach to engagement. What we hear from tenants and the public will help set the direction for the future of Hall Towers.
The first phase of tenant and public engagement began in June 2022 when we held an information session and survey just for tenants.
The City of Burnaby held two virtual information sessions on June 21 and 23, 2022, and hosted a public survey. Thank you to everyone who participated in this engagement.
There will be more opportunities for engagement in the coming months.They will be posted here.
Please send questions or comments to communityrelations@bchousing.org.
Ongoing Engagement
- Regular tenant drop-in meetings