Campbell River - 300 Robron

Illustration of apartment building and shop front

What is happening at 300 Robron Road?

BC Housing is starting to look at ways to replace the townhomes at 300 Robron Road, Campbell River.

The townhomes at 300 Robron Road are old and need repairs. BC Housing is launching a feasibility study to determine how best to replace the townhomes. BC Housing is also looking at options for adding community spaces that will enhance the neighbourhood.

What is the project timeline?

This project is in the very early stages. Typically, the predevelopment study and planning timeline for a project like this takes 3 to 4 years. This first phase will include:

  • Reaching out to tenants and the community to share information and answer questions
  • Encouraging tenants to share their ideas to ensure any new development will meets their needs and the needs of future tenants.
  • Working with a team of architects and engineers to determine what is possible.

If BC Housing moves forward, construction would not start for 4 to 5 years.

What will happen to my home?

If BC Housing decides to move forward with new construction, there will be no changes made to your home for several years.

BC Housing will work closely with M’akola Housing Society to ensure that all tenants at 300 Robron Road have an affordable, appropriately sized home during construction. BC Housing will also cover reasonable moving costs. Once built, current tenants will be offered a new, affordable rental home first.

How does this redevelopment relate to ongoing renovations?

The renovations that started in May 2023 will continue as planned. The renovations will ensure that homes can be occupied in the short-term, while a longer-term plan is confirmed through the redevelopment process.

Our Commitments to Tenants

BC Housing is committed to protecting tenants from the impacts of redevelopment in the following ways:

  • As much as possible, tenants will be able to stay in their current home until their new home is completed.
  • BC Housing will work with each tenant to make sure they have access to secure housing and their needs are met throughout planning and redevelopment.
  • Tenants will get to choose whether they want to move into a new home before anyone else.
  • BC Housing will pay for reasonable moving costs. This can include hiring movers and reconnecting utilities like telephone and cable.
  • When tenants move into their new home, they will continue to pay the same rent unless income or family size has changed.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to M’akola Housing Society or BC Housing if you have any questions about this commitment.

Our Project Partners

300 Robron Road is managed by M’akola Housing Society.

BC Housing have contracted M’akola Development Services to support this redevelopment. M’akola will be involved in a number of activities, including the administration of this survey and connecting with tenants during this process.

M’akola Development Services is a non-profit organization that builds affordable housing across the province. M’akola Development Services evolved from providing development consulting service to its sister society, M’akola Housing Society, to working with other non-profits and all levels of government. M'akola Development Services is working closely with M’akola Housing Society to ensure that tenants needs are met in any new development plans.

Indigenous Engagement

As part of the Robron redevelopment project, BC Housing is working to build strong Indigenous partnerships based on the Principles of Reconciliation.

BC Housing respectfully acknowledges that this redevelopment project is located on the unceded traditional territories of the Ligʷiłdax̌ʷ peoples (We Wai Kai, Wei Wai Kum, and Kwiakah), and is home to the Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) and Tlowitsis First Nations.

BC Housing seeks to engage with local First Nations and Indigenous organizations to explore a range of opportunities and work to understand how Indigenous values and culture and could be incorporated into the redevelopment project.

Community Engagement

This is an exciting opportunity to build better affordable housing for tenants and for Campbell River. BC Housing will be reaching out to tenants, neighbors, and the community throughout this project. There will be many opportunities to share ideas and feedback. Please watch for more information.

Your Feedback

Your feedback and comments are important to us!

Please ask questions and share your comments and concerns by email to

What is happening at 300 Robron Road?

BC Housing is starting to look at ways to replace the townhomes at 300 Robron Road, Campbell River.

The townhomes at 300 Robron Road are old and need repairs. BC Housing is launching a feasibility study to determine how best to replace the townhomes. BC Housing is also looking at options for adding community spaces that will enhance the neighbourhood.

What is the project timeline?

This project is in the very early stages. Typically, the predevelopment study and planning timeline for a project like this takes 3 to 4 years. This first phase will include:

  • Reaching out to tenants and the community to share information and answer questions
  • Encouraging tenants to share their ideas to ensure any new development will meets their needs and the needs of future tenants.
  • Working with a team of architects and engineers to determine what is possible.

If BC Housing moves forward, construction would not start for 4 to 5 years.

What will happen to my home?

If BC Housing decides to move forward with new construction, there will be no changes made to your home for several years.

BC Housing will work closely with M’akola Housing Society to ensure that all tenants at 300 Robron Road have an affordable, appropriately sized home during construction. BC Housing will also cover reasonable moving costs. Once built, current tenants will be offered a new, affordable rental home first.

How does this redevelopment relate to ongoing renovations?

The renovations that started in May 2023 will continue as planned. The renovations will ensure that homes can be occupied in the short-term, while a longer-term plan is confirmed through the redevelopment process.

Our Commitments to Tenants

BC Housing is committed to protecting tenants from the impacts of redevelopment in the following ways:

  • As much as possible, tenants will be able to stay in their current home until their new home is completed.
  • BC Housing will work with each tenant to make sure they have access to secure housing and their needs are met throughout planning and redevelopment.
  • Tenants will get to choose whether they want to move into a new home before anyone else.
  • BC Housing will pay for reasonable moving costs. This can include hiring movers and reconnecting utilities like telephone and cable.
  • When tenants move into their new home, they will continue to pay the same rent unless income or family size has changed.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to M’akola Housing Society or BC Housing if you have any questions about this commitment.

Our Project Partners

300 Robron Road is managed by M’akola Housing Society.

BC Housing have contracted M’akola Development Services to support this redevelopment. M’akola will be involved in a number of activities, including the administration of this survey and connecting with tenants during this process.

M’akola Development Services is a non-profit organization that builds affordable housing across the province. M’akola Development Services evolved from providing development consulting service to its sister society, M’akola Housing Society, to working with other non-profits and all levels of government. M'akola Development Services is working closely with M’akola Housing Society to ensure that tenants needs are met in any new development plans.

Indigenous Engagement

As part of the Robron redevelopment project, BC Housing is working to build strong Indigenous partnerships based on the Principles of Reconciliation.

BC Housing respectfully acknowledges that this redevelopment project is located on the unceded traditional territories of the Ligʷiłdax̌ʷ peoples (We Wai Kai, Wei Wai Kum, and Kwiakah), and is home to the Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) and Tlowitsis First Nations.

BC Housing seeks to engage with local First Nations and Indigenous organizations to explore a range of opportunities and work to understand how Indigenous values and culture and could be incorporated into the redevelopment project.

Community Engagement

This is an exciting opportunity to build better affordable housing for tenants and for Campbell River. BC Housing will be reaching out to tenants, neighbors, and the community throughout this project. There will be many opportunities to share ideas and feedback. Please watch for more information.

Your Feedback

Your feedback and comments are important to us!

Please ask questions and share your comments and concerns by email to

Page last updated: 16 May 2024, 11:15 AM