Campbell River – Homewood Road

40 units of temporary housing with supports are open at 1299 Homewood Road. BC Housing and the City of Campbell River worked together to build Homewood, which will play a major part of our plan to address and prevent homelessness and encampments in the community as we work on long term solutions.
The 2023 Point-in-Time homeless count identified 197 people as experiencing homelessness in Campbell River. This is a 66% increase from the previous count in 2021.
This project is funded by the Province’s HEARTH program and will be called Homewood (formerly HEARTH Village).
About Homewood
The City of Campbell River owns the property at 1299 Homewood Road. This site was chosen for temporary housing with supports because it is immediately available, already in use for overnight sheltering and close to various community services.
Each temporary sleeping unit at the site will be private with a locking door. The site will also have shared washroom facilities and an amenity space. Support services will include:
- 24/7 staffing
- Daily meals
- Referrals to health care and other community services
- Access to skills training and employment assistance
- Space for counselling or medical treatments
About the Operator
Lookout Housing and Health Society has been providing housing and a range of support services to adults with low or no income for over 50 years. The Society has a long history of successfully meeting the needs of people living in extreme poverty through a variety of programs (shelter, housing, outreach, health, community resource centres).
Lookout has also been operating The Village in Duncan since 2022. This temporary housing with supports offers 34 sleeping units with shared amenity space. The Village in Duncan was opened as part of ongoing efforts to stop the cycle of homelessness while preventing encampments.
Who to Call / When to Call
To support neighbours and the community of Campbell River, we have included a Who to Call / When to Call info sheet. This sheet provides a quick list of important contact details, including the operator, with information about who can best be reached depending on the concern. Please note:
- Lookout Housing and Health Society – For questions/concerns regarding the property of 1299 Homewood, how to get involved, or questions about operational activities.
- City of Campbell River – For information on housing, the community safety and wellness plan, or related community resources
- City Bylaw – For cleanliness issues in public spaces, excessive noise or obstructions on streets/sidewalks or in parks.
- BC Housing – For general questions about the HEARTH program and temporary housing with supports/supportive housing.
Community Engagement
A caring community can contribute greatly to the success of people transitioning out of homelessness. We commit to keeping lines of communication open throughout this project, answering questions and addressing any concerns.
In March 2024, BC Housing and the City of Campbell River hosted virtual dialogue sessions with nearby neighbours of 1299 Homewood Road. An in-person open house followed on March 20, from 5:30-7:30pm at the Campbell River Community Centre for the greater community to come out, learn more about the project and ask questions of the project team.
On September 11, 2024, a ‘Meet the Operator’ open house was hosted at the Maritime Heritage Centre with BC Housing, the City, Lookout Housing Society and the contractor, Gordon’s Home Sales. The event was well attended, with close to 150 residents in attendance. Read more about the event in this Campbell River Mirror article.
Please watch the virtual session or review a summary report of these engagement activities.
Learn more about what the City is doing to address homelessness and safety by visiting