Kamloops – 321 & 327 Fortune Drive & 285 Leigh Road
BC Housing is planning to purchase the property at 321 and 327 Fortune Drive and 285 Leigh Road in Kamloops. At this site, we plan to create 54 homes with support services. These new homes are an important part of our continued effort to address and prevent homelessness in the community.
BC Housing has applied to rezone this site from Residential 2 (R2) to Multi-Family 4 – Medium High Density (RM4). The site purchase is dependent on this rezoning.
This project is still in the very early stages of planning and development. If rezoning is approved, we would work with a planning and design team and share a project timeline when it is available.
About the project
We are planning to build a 4-storey building that would include indoor and outdoor gathering spaces and on-site parking. These homes would be deeply affordable studio apartments for people who need supports to maintain their housing.
Residents of supportive housing are single adults (19+) of all genders, including seniors, people with disabilities or any others who need supports to maintain stable housing. Supportive housing typically includes services such as meals, life skills training and referrals to health care, community supports and culturally informed services.
BC Housing offers supportive homes to people through a community-based assessment process that matches people’s needs with the supports available. This process also ensures a balance mix of residents in the building. All residents sign housing related agreements and pay rent.
BC Housing would select an experienced non-profit operator through a fair and open process to manage the housing and provide services to residents. They would provide 24/7 staffing and keep the property well-maintained.
Community engagement
We will be hosting in-person information sessions where interested neighbours can learn more about the proposed housing, meet project partners and ask questions.
Date: Monday, January 27, 2025
Available session times:
- 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
- 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
- 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Salon A at Holiday Inn & Suites, 675 Tranquille Road, Kamloops
Please RSVP by visiting kamloops-leigh-fortune.eventbrite.ca. Registration is required to attend.
A caring community can contribute greatly to the success of supportive housing residents. The non-profit housing operator would work to build good relationships with the community. When the building opens, we would share direct contact information with neighbours and address any concerns quickly and collaboratively.
We will continue to share updates and keep lines of communication open with neighbours as the project moves forward.
If you have questions about this project, please contact BC Housing by emailing communityrelations@bchousing.org.