Kamloops - 245 St. Paul Street

An illustration of a brick building with a sign that says "shelter."

BC Housing and the City of Kamloops are working together to respond to an urgent need for shelter in the community. In 2021, BC Housing leased the former Stuart Wood School (245 St. Paul Street) to operate an emergency winter shelter in the gymnasium space. In 2023, we extended shelter operations into the summer and year-round. We currently plan to operate this shelter 7 days per week, 12 hours per day through April 30, 2025.

The City of Kamloops and Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation support the continued use of the school as a shelter. The latest counts show over 300 people experiencing homelessness in Kamloops. Shelters like this offer an important step in a person’s transition out of homelessness and into stable housing.

Shelter Details

Out of the Cold Society Kamloops (OOTC) will continue to operate the shelter 12 hours per day, 7 days per week for up to 25 people. Typical hours are 8 pm to 8 am. Hours and capacity may change seasonally or in extreme weather.

Shelter services includes:

  • Individual beds in separated sleeping pods

  • Daily meals, laundry and shower facilities

  • Support to access on and off-site outreach programs

  • Support services, health care referrals and cultural safety connections

  • On-site staff, including an Outreach Worker


Out of the Cold has been operating shelter services for over 15 years. They are committed to being good neighbours and providing a safe and welcoming space for local people experiencing homelessness. Staff collaborate with other service providers to help shelter guests access things like mental health care, nursing care, referrals to detox and treatment centres, and housing supports. Out of the Cold works to ensure the safety of shelter guests and neighbours by:

  • Daily clean up and maintenance within shelter grounds by staff and guests

  • Offering a peer employment program

  • Keeping lines of communication open with the community

Learn more about Out Of The Cold Kamloops by visiting: www.kamloopsoutofthecold.com.

For questions about the shelter program, please contact BC Housing at: communityrelations@bchousing.org.

BC Housing and the City of Kamloops are working together to respond to an urgent need for shelter in the community. In 2021, BC Housing leased the former Stuart Wood School (245 St. Paul Street) to operate an emergency winter shelter in the gymnasium space. In 2023, we extended shelter operations into the summer and year-round. We currently plan to operate this shelter 7 days per week, 12 hours per day through April 30, 2025.

The City of Kamloops and Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation support the continued use of the school as a shelter. The latest counts show over 300 people experiencing homelessness in Kamloops. Shelters like this offer an important step in a person’s transition out of homelessness and into stable housing.

Shelter Details

Out of the Cold Society Kamloops (OOTC) will continue to operate the shelter 12 hours per day, 7 days per week for up to 25 people. Typical hours are 8 pm to 8 am. Hours and capacity may change seasonally or in extreme weather.

Shelter services includes:

  • Individual beds in separated sleeping pods

  • Daily meals, laundry and shower facilities

  • Support to access on and off-site outreach programs

  • Support services, health care referrals and cultural safety connections

  • On-site staff, including an Outreach Worker


Out of the Cold has been operating shelter services for over 15 years. They are committed to being good neighbours and providing a safe and welcoming space for local people experiencing homelessness. Staff collaborate with other service providers to help shelter guests access things like mental health care, nursing care, referrals to detox and treatment centres, and housing supports. Out of the Cold works to ensure the safety of shelter guests and neighbours by:

  • Daily clean up and maintenance within shelter grounds by staff and guests

  • Offering a peer employment program

  • Keeping lines of communication open with the community

Learn more about Out Of The Cold Kamloops by visiting: www.kamloopsoutofthecold.com.

For questions about the shelter program, please contact BC Housing at: communityrelations@bchousing.org.

Page last updated: 25 Apr 2024, 05:26 PM