Prince Rupert, Harbour View Gardens – Affordable Housing

To address the need for more affordable housing for seniors, families and singles in Prince Rupert, BC Housing is redeveloping Harbour View Gardens at 1428 Kootenay Avenue.
The buildings at Harbour View are over 40 years old. Thus, BC Housing plans to replace the aging buildings with better quality, more livable, and more sustainable homes. An investment in new housing will benefit the immediate neighbourhood as well as residents of Prince Rupert for generations to come.
Redevelopment Details
Features of the proposed redevelopment will include:
- At least 166 affordable rental townhomes and apartments
- Increased supply of affordable housing units for families and seniors of Prince Rupert
- Neighbourhood improvements
- Accessible housing for people with disabilities
- Energy efficient design
- A pedestrian crossing on McKay Street
- Improvements to the local park
Redevelopment will be completed in phases to minimize disruption for existing residents. Phase 1 will replace all existing affordable seniors’ units to minimize potential tenant relocations and to give the opportunity for current tenants to move into the new building. The later phases will include additional affordable housing.

In 2021, we shared a concept design for the site. It is still valid today however the new design offers more detail. The new concept will allow for more apartments while maintaining the gentle townhouse frontage along McKay Street and Sloan Avenue. A lane will be added to allow access to the buildings and parking area.
Construction Update
Demolition of the vacant buildings in Lot 1 is in progress as of August 2024. This is an important step in preparing the site for construction.
Please be assured that tenants living in Phase 2 will not need to move at this time, and the building will continue to be operated by M’akola Housing Society.
Tenant Commitments
BC Housing is committed to keeping you informed every step of the way. Lot 1 Phase 1 construction is scheduled first. Phase 2 construction (of Lot 2) will not occur for several years. When it comes time to move, we will work closely with each tenant to make sure you have access to secure housing and your needs are met throughout planning and redevelopment. You will not be without a home. For more information about our Tenant Commitments, please see the attachment in the Document section of this page.
Community and Stakeholder Engagement
BC Housing is committed to keeping the community involved and informed during the redevelopment planning process.
We have completed early design consultation with Harbour View tenants. In 2021 we held an online neighbourhood meeting. Your ideas were considered in the proposed development concept. Since that time, the project team have been assessing complex soil conditions which have required some revisions to the master plan design.
The project team is completing a revised project concept which will be shared with the City of Prince Rupert, tenants, First Nations, and stakeholders in early 2025.
Tenants of Phase 1 have been supported through a relocation process and demolition of vacant buildings is underway.
BC Housing hopes to engage further with Harbour View Garden tenants, and the Prince Rupert community in the near future. Check back to this webpage for updates.