Valemount - 1451 5th Avenue Affordable Housing

View of a sparesely populated residential area in front of lush trees and snow-covered mountains

Robson Valley Community Services, with the support of BC Housing and M’akola Development Services, is proposing to rezone vacant land owned by the Village of Valemount to build new, permanent affordable housing for women and children at risk of or affected by violence in Valemount.

About the Project

Located at 1451 5th Avenue, this new building will offer approximately 14 affordable rental apartments, as well as office space to provide on-site supports connecting women and children with resources to help them towards safe, independent living. The new housing will help meet a growing need for safe, affordable, long-term housing for women (including seniors) and children in the area.

The housing will be operated by Robson Valley Community Services (RVCS). RVCS is a charitable organization dedicated to supporting individuals, families and communities by providing programs and services and collaborating within a rural environment.

You can send us your questions and feedback to All feedback received up to and including July 5, 2020 will be included in a report to Village Council as part of the municipal rezoning process.

Robson Valley Community Services, with the support of BC Housing and M’akola Development Services, is proposing to rezone vacant land owned by the Village of Valemount to build new, permanent affordable housing for women and children at risk of or affected by violence in Valemount.

About the Project

Located at 1451 5th Avenue, this new building will offer approximately 14 affordable rental apartments, as well as office space to provide on-site supports connecting women and children with resources to help them towards safe, independent living. The new housing will help meet a growing need for safe, affordable, long-term housing for women (including seniors) and children in the area.

The housing will be operated by Robson Valley Community Services (RVCS). RVCS is a charitable organization dedicated to supporting individuals, families and communities by providing programs and services and collaborating within a rural environment.

You can send us your questions and feedback to All feedback received up to and including July 5, 2020 will be included in a report to Village Council as part of the municipal rezoning process.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
  • I am in support of this project. We need a safe space for women and children.

    Melanie asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you for your message of support. I have forwarded your comments to the project team.

  • As an Individual who's seen first hand the need for this project, I personally fully support it and I always have. I believe this project in the community is a must, as so many individuals need assistance and don't have the resources available to them within Valemount. I know there's a need for affordable housing in Valemount for Women and children. And Valemount has the tools, space, educated individuals, to make this project a huge success that would benefit so many individuals within the Robson Valley. Everyone deserves a fair chance at success.

    CHaubi asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you for your message and your support of this project. We fully agree on how important it is that women and children have a safe, stable and affordable place to live within their own communities. When the most vulnerable among us are given opportunities to thrive, we all benefit.

  • I am in full support of this project. I'm blessed to be in a position where I have never needed this kind of housing facility, but as an employee of RVCS I'm acutely aware of the immediate and urgent need for permanent affordable housing for women and children at risk of violence. As a member of the LGBTQIA2S+ community, I see gender based violence can take many forms from same-sex partners also, and I'm 100% confident and happy that RVCS will deliver this housing project to meet all the needs of a diverse community.

    gail13081968 asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you for your message and your support of this project. Your perspective is appreciated and noted.

    We are working hard with our partners to provide much needed safe, stable and affordable long-term housing for women and children in our community.

  • As a resident of McBride, i feel that this project, even though in a community removed from my own, will still provide opportunity for women and children in McBride, and all the outlying communities in the Robson Valley. It is important to realize that this housing will positively impact ALL of the Robson Valley, not just the community of Valemount, and enable residents to continue to live in their community or close to it. I fully support the rezoning amendment, and believe Valemount has the capacity, space and capabilities to have this come to fruition. I hope the community supports this project and understands the reach that affordable housing has on the entire Robson Valley.

    Jana MacMaster asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you for your message and your support of this project. Your input has been noted and will be included in a report to Village Council as part of the municipal rezoning process.

  • Affordable rental housing and especially housing with supports will be good for our village. It seems like a small lot to have 14 apartments on it and if there are to be children living there , is there room for yards for them to play in? I am hoping that more housing for all ages might be built in the area south of the high school along with more senior's housing. I am delighted to see the community gardens being developed there. I am also wondering if any land is being reserved for expansion of the health clinic in the future.

    Laurel asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you for your message and your support of this project. We are working hard with our partners to provide much needed safe, stable and affordable long-term housing women and children fleeing violence - and all members of our community, including individuals, families and seniors. 

    This site was chosen for many reasons, including it being close to the health clinic, the RCMP station school, park and playground, and other amenities. The building size was determined based on a combination of factors including the size of the lot, desired number of residential units and allowing for ground floor office space.

    Your input has been noted and will be included in a report to Village Council as part of the municipal rezoning process.

  • I am so glad this project is coming to Valemount. Every woman and child have the right to be safe. They have the right to re invent themselves and move forward in a positive and encouraging atmosphere. To be an example to their children about moving past negative situations. Each child should be safe and cared for. Every community needs to have a place like this. Unfortunately people never realize how badly a place like this is needed. They either don’t see or chose not to look at what is going on in their own community. We have women RIGHT NOW that could benefit from this housing project. How wonderful is a community that stands up and says...we need a place for women and children to be safe and we will support it 100%.....I am truly glad that Valemount is such a community.. Makes me proud to live here.

    cb asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you for your message and your support of this project. We fully agree on how important it is that women and children have a safe, stable and affordable place to live within their own communities. Your input has been noted and will be included in a report to Village Council.

  • I am writing to express my support for the affordable housing development at 1451 5th Avenue. This is a valuable use of land being offered by the Village of Valemount. A valuable asset to have within our community for women and children who are in need of affordable and safe housing, having 14 units would increase the availability of safe housing that our community lacks. With the soaring costs of housing, our community has already experienced, we would be foolish not to seize the opportunity created by multiple levels of government coming together in support of a project that addresses a critical need in our community. These forward-thinking measures will allow for an increase affordable housing in our community. Robson Valley Community Services has been a steadfast and well established non-profit organization that understands the community’s needs and employs experienced and well-trained staff. They are in the best position to lead this project successfully to completion and over the long-term.

    Heather asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you for your message and your support of this project. We fully agree on how important it is that women and children have a safe, stable and affordable place to live within their own communities. Your input has been noted and will be included in a report to Village Council.

  • I am ignorant of the need for a safe house for women and children in Valemount. Is there that much demand that a new building needs to be constructed? It is a good idea if there is a need, but there are many buildings that are for sale or empty that might fit the need? has that been considered? I, as someone nearing retirement, do believe in having something more for seniors but I am not sure combining the two projects makes sense. I think a seniors project needs to be separate. I don't believe the location proposed would be the best place either

    Taxpayer asked about 4 years ago

    The RVCS is acutely aware of and focused on meeting the significant community need for affordable housing catering to vulnerable women and children who have experienced or are currently experiencing violence, and is supported in this endeavour by the Province’s Building BC: Women’s Transition Housing Fund, as well as the Village’s selection and proposed donation of the subject site.

    Details of the Village’s property selection process are not available to the project team leading the subject site rezoning, so we are unable to comment on other publicly-owned properties.   

  • Once again, how fortunate for Valemount to have outside funding to enhance our community. We voted in a great council who will see the benefits and understand the need for rezoning. Green, for go ahead; for my vote with a big Thankyou. Let’s not be so focused on what we assumed might be; that we miss out on a gift of funding. Ideal locations are often developed and there is ample opportunity to make this site compatible to the project Ellen Duncan

    Ellen Duncan asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you for your message and your support of this project. Your input has been noted and will be included in a report to Village Council as part of the municipal rezoning process.

  • This being designated for this project by our community and ready to go makes me wonder why I would not be in agreement we are blessed with receiving funding. Property is surveyed my understanding future projects have designated property. My vote is let’s deal with the issue at hand the need for affordable housing for our vunerable Please approve and help lead this project forward thank you

    Sharon asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you for your message and your support of this project. Your input has been noted and will be included in a report to Village Council as part of the municipal rezoning process.

Page last updated: 15 Jul 2024, 11:58 AM