Victoria – Evergreen Terrace Redevelopment – Affordable Housing

Four people sit around a round table, working on documents and chatting with each other.

Conceptual plan of future buildings

What is happening at Evergreen Terrace?

In early 2022, BC Housing started a multi-year community planning process for the redevelopment of Evergreen Terrace. Located at 2501 Blanshard Street, this 7.8-acre site currently has 175 affordable homes as well as 21 supportive homes in Spaken House, a temporary modular building operated by the Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness.

BC Housing plans to replace the aging buildings with better-quality, more liveable and more sustainable homes that will serve Evergreen Terrace tenants for decades to come. Redeveloping Evergreen Terrace will also allow us to build many more homes on the site, providing much needed housing in Victoria.

The concept plan was developed with significant tenant and community input. It was submitted to the City of Victoria for Pre-Application Consultation with the neighbourhood Community Association Land Use Committee (CALUC) in 2023.

The plan shows how approximately 900 affordable and market-rate rental homes may be distributed across the site in buildings with podiums up to 6 storeys in height and select locations for taller buildings, with three at 15 storeys and one at 20 storeys in height. New resident and public open spaces are proposed, along with a childcare and resident amenity areas.

You can view the Pre-Application Consultation plans and summary letter. You can also view the materials and provide your feedback on the City of Victoria’s Development Tracker site.

Approximately 49 people attended the Community Association Land Use Committee (CALUC) meeting, hosted by the NAC. The critical need for the full spectrum of housing with, emphasis placed on a desire to see below-market rentals through partnership agreements with not-for-profit housing providers was highlighted.

The project team presented an overview of the project considerations and work over the past 18+ months with Evergreen Terrace tenants, the neighbouring community, and the City of Victoria. The formal presentation reflected the tenant and community-informed, pre-application submission for the redevelopment. This will result in approximately 900 new homes built in phases over a period of 10 to 15 years.

BC Housing shared comprehensive tenant-support commitments and plans to address the phasing of construction so that no one living at Evergreen Terrace would be without a home during this process. Next steps involve moving to the project design phase once approval are given from the City of Victoria.

Phase 2 - Let’s Plan It Together

During phase 1 of redevelopment planning - Let’s Imagine It Together - we worked with tenants and community members to create a shared vision for the future of Evergreen Terrace. Thanks to your input and ideas, we learned that redevelopment is needed and possible. We were also able to create a strong vision and a set of guiding principles for the project.

We are now in phase 2 of redevelopment planning. Let’s Plan It Together includes meeting with the broader community and sharing what we heard from tenants of Evergreen Terrace.

Rezoning Application - December 2023

The Rezoning Application was submitted to the City of Victoria in December 2023. You can view the Application plans and summary letter. You can also view the materials and provide your feedback on the City of Victoria’s Development Tracker site.

The rezoning application process could take 12-18 months.

Phase 3 of redevelopment planning, Let’s Build It Together, will start after the planning is complete and the City of Victoria has granted all the required permits. We currently expect the first phases of construction to start in the spring of 2025.

A series of three progressing arrows meant to represent a timeline. The first arrow says "Let's Imagine It Together - 2022." The second arrow: "Let's Plan It Together - 2023-2024." Third arrow: "Let's Build it Together - 2024+onward."

Supporting Tenants of Evergreen Terrace and Family Members of Spaken House

BC Housing will continue to work with Evergreen Terrace tenants and Family Members of Spaken House to make sure they have access to secure housing and their needs are met throughout planning and redevelopment. When planning the construction phases, our goal is for people to stay in their homes for as long as possible and minimize disruption for everyone.

Indigenous engagement

As part of the Evergreen Terrace redevelopment project, BC Housing is working to build strong Indigenous partnerships based on the Principles of Reconciliation.
BC Housing is engaging with the Lekwungen speaking peoples, the Songhees Nation and the Esquimalt Nation. We will explore a range of opportunities and work to understand how Indigenous culture and heritage could be incorporated into the redevelopment project. BC Housing acknowledges and offers gratitude to the Songhees Nation and the Esquimalt Nation on whose traditional lands we work.

How can I get involved?

BC Housing is committed to an inclusive, tenant-first approach to this redevelopment project. We invite all Evergreen Terrace tenants, Spaken House Family Members, and the entire Hillside-Quadra community to continue participating as we enter the Let’s Plan It Together phase of this redevelopment. Watch your mailboxes and visit this webpage for news about upcoming information meetings, workshops and other events.

Conceptual plan of future buildings

What is happening at Evergreen Terrace?

In early 2022, BC Housing started a multi-year community planning process for the redevelopment of Evergreen Terrace. Located at 2501 Blanshard Street, this 7.8-acre site currently has 175 affordable homes as well as 21 supportive homes in Spaken House, a temporary modular building operated by the Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness.

BC Housing plans to replace the aging buildings with better-quality, more liveable and more sustainable homes that will serve Evergreen Terrace tenants for decades to come. Redeveloping Evergreen Terrace will also allow us to build many more homes on the site, providing much needed housing in Victoria.

The concept plan was developed with significant tenant and community input. It was submitted to the City of Victoria for Pre-Application Consultation with the neighbourhood Community Association Land Use Committee (CALUC) in 2023.

The plan shows how approximately 900 affordable and market-rate rental homes may be distributed across the site in buildings with podiums up to 6 storeys in height and select locations for taller buildings, with three at 15 storeys and one at 20 storeys in height. New resident and public open spaces are proposed, along with a childcare and resident amenity areas.

You can view the Pre-Application Consultation plans and summary letter. You can also view the materials and provide your feedback on the City of Victoria’s Development Tracker site.

Approximately 49 people attended the Community Association Land Use Committee (CALUC) meeting, hosted by the NAC. The critical need for the full spectrum of housing with, emphasis placed on a desire to see below-market rentals through partnership agreements with not-for-profit housing providers was highlighted.

The project team presented an overview of the project considerations and work over the past 18+ months with Evergreen Terrace tenants, the neighbouring community, and the City of Victoria. The formal presentation reflected the tenant and community-informed, pre-application submission for the redevelopment. This will result in approximately 900 new homes built in phases over a period of 10 to 15 years.

BC Housing shared comprehensive tenant-support commitments and plans to address the phasing of construction so that no one living at Evergreen Terrace would be without a home during this process. Next steps involve moving to the project design phase once approval are given from the City of Victoria.

Phase 2 - Let’s Plan It Together

During phase 1 of redevelopment planning - Let’s Imagine It Together - we worked with tenants and community members to create a shared vision for the future of Evergreen Terrace. Thanks to your input and ideas, we learned that redevelopment is needed and possible. We were also able to create a strong vision and a set of guiding principles for the project.

We are now in phase 2 of redevelopment planning. Let’s Plan It Together includes meeting with the broader community and sharing what we heard from tenants of Evergreen Terrace.

Rezoning Application - December 2023

The Rezoning Application was submitted to the City of Victoria in December 2023. You can view the Application plans and summary letter. You can also view the materials and provide your feedback on the City of Victoria’s Development Tracker site.

The rezoning application process could take 12-18 months.

Phase 3 of redevelopment planning, Let’s Build It Together, will start after the planning is complete and the City of Victoria has granted all the required permits. We currently expect the first phases of construction to start in the spring of 2025.

A series of three progressing arrows meant to represent a timeline. The first arrow says "Let's Imagine It Together - 2022." The second arrow: "Let's Plan It Together - 2023-2024." Third arrow: "Let's Build it Together - 2024+onward."

Supporting Tenants of Evergreen Terrace and Family Members of Spaken House

BC Housing will continue to work with Evergreen Terrace tenants and Family Members of Spaken House to make sure they have access to secure housing and their needs are met throughout planning and redevelopment. When planning the construction phases, our goal is for people to stay in their homes for as long as possible and minimize disruption for everyone.

Indigenous engagement

As part of the Evergreen Terrace redevelopment project, BC Housing is working to build strong Indigenous partnerships based on the Principles of Reconciliation.
BC Housing is engaging with the Lekwungen speaking peoples, the Songhees Nation and the Esquimalt Nation. We will explore a range of opportunities and work to understand how Indigenous culture and heritage could be incorporated into the redevelopment project. BC Housing acknowledges and offers gratitude to the Songhees Nation and the Esquimalt Nation on whose traditional lands we work.

How can I get involved?

BC Housing is committed to an inclusive, tenant-first approach to this redevelopment project. We invite all Evergreen Terrace tenants, Spaken House Family Members, and the entire Hillside-Quadra community to continue participating as we enter the Let’s Plan It Together phase of this redevelopment. Watch your mailboxes and visit this webpage for news about upcoming information meetings, workshops and other events.

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  • Please ensure your question is clear, concise, relevant to the project, and respectful.
  • Review our moderation policy. Questions that do not abide by the moderation policy or guidelines for respectful dialogue may not be answered.
  • We expect everyone will refrain from using language or acting in a way that is discriminating, threatening, abusive, racist or otherwise disrespectful. Discrimination or abusive language of any kind will not be tolerated.
  • Your question will appear once our team has answered it. If your question has already been answered, we may respond privately.
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  • I own a car currently like many tenants and park on site. Will parking stay the same or be accomodated by redevelopment project for vehicle owners?

    Moose1970 asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for your inquiry. The redevelopment project will ensure there is adequate parking for tenants as well as meeting municipal bylaw requirements. Any increase in the number of homes will also mean more parking on the site.

  • Will the mature trees/shrubbery be destroyed or kept? It has a lot attractive , mature trees that I would hate to see destroyed in favor of concrete, and perhaps a grassy plant or two. Greenery IS important for a number of reasons.

    lorliw asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for your inquiry. We recognize the importance of green spaces, and we strive to preserve as many mature trees on the site as possible. The planning process will include an arborist study to help us determine the health of the trees and our ability to keep them 

  • Hello! I'm excited to see this project happen as we are knee deep in a housing crisis. Will we see an increase in units available? To best make use of the land I would imagine an increase in density. Are there any plans to start new projects for affordable housing in Victoria as Evergreen Terr has been so successful and yet was the last of it's kind?

    Moon2 asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for your inquiry and for your support! When construction is complete, the site will have more housing than it does now. Phase one of the planning process will consider the current and future affordable housing needs of the community. At a minimum, we will replace the existing number of homes. 

    We will be looking at greater density that will provide additional opportunity for housing solutions across the housing spectrum.

  • Do you have plans for recognizing the history of urban renewal at this site as part of the redevelopment of this site? It’s an often forgotten part of our community‘s history, but it had a big impact.

    Vgornall asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for your inquiry. We agree that the site’s history is an important part of the story today and going forward. We will consider and recognize this history as we plan for the future of the community

  • Hello! How will BC housing make sure that residents currently living on-site remain housed throughout the process, including for construction. Additionally, are there sites which have been identified for temporary relocation, or is BC housing considering a relocation compensation stipend? I might have follow-up questions but please let me know about the first few. Thank you.

    Pierre-Paul Angelblazer asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for your inquiry, Pierre-Paul. 

    As much as possible, tenants will be able to stay in their homes until their new home is completed. 

    In the event tenants are required to temporarily relocate, BC Housing will take care of rehousing tenants on a temporary basis during construction and will cover all reasonable moving costs for tenants who are required to relocate, including utilities reconnection (telephone, cable, etc.) and hiring movers. 

    Upon completion, existing tenants will be given first choice whether they want to move into a new home, with no changes to their monthly rent unless their income or family makeup has changed in the interim.

    BC Housing will make every effort to help with relocation options for those tenants who do not wish to move into a new home at Evergreen Terrace.  

Page last updated: 25 Jun 2024, 01:55 PM