Kamloops – 654 Fortune Drive

Fortune Motel in Kamloops.

Image courtesy of Google Maps.

The Province, through BC Housing, has purchased the Fortune Motel located at 654 Fortune Drive. The site is undergoing renovations to provide permanent supportive housing for those experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Kamloops. We expect renovations to be completed Spring 2022 and look forward to welcoming residents shortly there after.

Canadian Mental Health Association Kamloops (CMHA) has been selected as the operator for the property. CMHA will have multiple staff on site 24/7 and provide support services such as:

  • daily meals
  • skills training
  • referrals to health-related services for residents who need it

Residents will be selected through the Supportive Housing Registry. Discussions will be had with applicants to ensure the services provided meet their needs and there is an appropriate mix of residents. All residents will sign a program agreement (similar to a tenancy agreement) and pay rent.

Community Engagement

BC Housing is committed to an ongoing community dialogue and invites the community to learn more about the project, and address questions that neighbours may have about supportive housing being operated at the site.

We welcome questions and comments below in the Q&A or by email to: communityrelations@bchousing.org

Image courtesy of Google Maps.

The Province, through BC Housing, has purchased the Fortune Motel located at 654 Fortune Drive. The site is undergoing renovations to provide permanent supportive housing for those experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Kamloops. We expect renovations to be completed Spring 2022 and look forward to welcoming residents shortly there after.

Canadian Mental Health Association Kamloops (CMHA) has been selected as the operator for the property. CMHA will have multiple staff on site 24/7 and provide support services such as:

  • daily meals
  • skills training
  • referrals to health-related services for residents who need it

Residents will be selected through the Supportive Housing Registry. Discussions will be had with applicants to ensure the services provided meet their needs and there is an appropriate mix of residents. All residents will sign a program agreement (similar to a tenancy agreement) and pay rent.

Community Engagement

BC Housing is committed to an ongoing community dialogue and invites the community to learn more about the project, and address questions that neighbours may have about supportive housing being operated at the site.

We welcome questions and comments below in the Q&A or by email to: communityrelations@bchousing.org

Have a question or comment? Please add below.

Guidelines for constructive and respectful dialogue

  • Please ensure your question is clear, concise, relevant to the project, and respectful.
  • Review our moderation policy. Questions that do not abide by the moderation policy or guidelines for respectful dialogue may not be answered.
  • We expect everyone will refrain from using language or acting in a way that is discriminating, threatening, abusive, racist or otherwise disrespectful. Discrimination or abusive language of any kind will not be tolerated.
  • Your question will appear once our team has answered it. If your question has already been answered, we may respond privately.
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  • The tenants will pay rent and sign a tenancy agreement. It is likely the government will pay their rent every month so if the tenant is bad how will you evict a bad tenant?

    Tony asked over 3 years ago

    Thank you for your inquiry, Tony. Yes, the future tenants will pay rent and sign a program agreement which has stricter guidelines than a Residential Tenancy Agreement (RTA). The housing operator makes every effort to work with the individual to help them integrate successfully within the supportive housing and wider community. We recognize the importance of helping people maintain their housing. Eviction is only used as a last resort in some cases of breaching the agreement. If an operator ends an agreement and evicts a resident, they will investigate other housing and shelter options, so that individuals will not become homeless again.

  • There has been 10+ years of experience providing homes for the homeless and near homeless. Please provide the addresses of Kamloops properties that have been operating successfully as examples.

    Tony asked over 3 years ago

    Thank you for your inquiry, Tony. Here are some examples of successful Kamloops projects:

    Please visit our website to learn more about supportive homes in Kamloops.

  • Did this site open as anticipated in the fall, and how is it going? Are all the rooms filled? Are there still many more on the wait list than can be helped through this site? Are they able to find other accommodations for the winter in the meantime?

    Courtenay W asked over 3 years ago

    Thank you for your inquiry. Fortune Drive Motel has not opened yet. We are doing our best to get Fortune Drive operating as soon as possible to support the Kamloops community. We are working closely with the City of Kamloops to proceed with the building permit which would allow us to complete building renovations. At present, we are undertaking non-structural renovations not requiring a building permit in an effort to expedite the renovation process. We appreciate your understanding.

  • - how does BC Housing proceed with the work proposed without a Development Permit, Re-Zoning, or a Building Permit ?

    bonarch asked over 3 years ago

    Thank you for your inquiry. We are exploring options for future redevelopment, and we are not planning on proposing any more living units than currently exist in the motel building, therefore development permitting, and rezoning are not required. BC Housing has a temporary work permit to undertake minor renovations.

  • Thank you in advance for answering my question. First, let me say that I am in full support of this project. My concern is drug use. It is prolific in this area (I live on Vernon Ave in a 55+ building). Will drug users be living on these premises? If so, will they be required to be in a program? Thank you.

    Pam Lamont asked over 3 years ago

    Thank you for your support. It is appreciated. 

    BC Housing’s supportive housing buildings are operated based on the widely recognized and proven Housing First model. Residents at these sites, and all other supportive housing buildings that BC Housing is affiliated with, are permitted to make their own choices regarding lifestyle. This includes the decision to abstain or use drugs/alcohol in the privacy of their homes. If they choose to use, the operators will work with each tenant ensure they use safely.     

    We take a harm reduction approach, which means staff is available to support any residents who are in various phases of substance use and the building would be set up with the ability to provide a safe space for residents who are active substance users.     

    Harm reduction acknowledges that many people may not be able to remain abstinent. The harm reduction approach meets people where they are at and provides an option to engage with peers, medical and social services in a non-judgmental way.     

    The overarching goal of the harm reduction approach is to prevent the negative consequences of substance use and to improve health. Harm reduction approaches and programming are a best practice for engaging with individuals with substance use issues.    

    The operator would work with Interior Health in determining best practices to ensure tenants are safe and healthy. When residents are ready to make a change, staff on site would connect them with the appropriate health and support services.   

  • I wish more information was put out for people who oppose this. The ignorance and lack of empathy in this town is scary. I believe this is a great idea!

    Nicole Trista asked over 3 years ago

    Thank you for your support. It is very much appreciated.

  • I think this is a horrible idea. Come to Kamloops and experience was is currently happening in the northshore. This was once a good town, it's now the junkieville capital. Are you ok with all the good citizens relocating because of this? Do you condone the loop and what it has done to the northshore?what is your call to action when this makes the area worse?

    Nicole Durham asked over 3 years ago

    We know that street homelessness isn’t working for anyone – not for those who are homeless, and not for surrounding communities.

    The Province is working to address the ongoing housing crisis and COVID-19 pandemic. This has led us to explore purchasing hotels and other spaces to provide indoor spaces in Kamloops. This site is just one of many in Kamloops. Last year the Province had over 1,000 new homes complete or underway across Kamloops including: 

        290 homes for low to moderate income earners

        155 homes for people experiencing homelessness

        44 homes for women and their children leaving violence

        533 student housing beds

    This site was chosen because of the increasing demand for homes with supports, their availability, costs and proximity to transit and other services. 

  • may I suggest that seniors be the ones that get the access from this new facility? We have a few for others. Given the number of existing market apartments, this property is close to the North hills mall with grocery and drugstore in the area. For them, even with walkers, it is possible to access without a long walk or drive. I would feel more comfortable with that priority addressed, because there is a couple elementary schools nearby, and that would be a good mix.

    Charlene Ross asked over 3 years ago

    This site was chosen because of the increasing demand for homes with supports, their availability, costs and proximity to transit and other services. People who experience homelessness are as varied as any other neighbour. They may, in fact,  be seniors, persons with disabilities, people who have employment but no housing, people who are working through mental health concerns and/or substance use. All residents in supportive housing have made a choice to work towards living a healthy, stable life. 

    Regarding proximity to schools, many supportive housing sites for people experiencing homelessness across the province have been operating in their communities and near schools for 10+ years with no issues and with support from the community. There are over 210 provincially funded supportive housing sites across the province that are within 500 metres of a school, and 52% of provincially funded supportive housing sites in B.C. within 500 metres of schools have been operating for 10+ years.     

  • Why was the surrounding community/neighborhood not consulted in this decision?

    Jeneen Lamont asked over 3 years ago

    Unfortunately, real estate transactions cannot be confirmed until they are concluded.   There are a number of reasons for that, but the most important reason is that it could result in the potential jeopardizing of the real estate transaction.  This would inhibit our ability to address the housing mandate before us.  Once a real estate transaction is finalized, our commitment is to engage with the community and provide opportunities for dialogue and conversation so that we can build our partnership and ensure successful community integration into neighbourhoods.

  • Were you aware aware of the North Shore Community Plan before purchase of this property? If yes. How does this directly fit in to the plan ? If No. Why were you not aware of the plan? How do you now see it fitting in with the plan? https://letstalk.kamloops.ca/northshoreplan

    Lee asked over 3 years ago

    Yes, we were aware of the plan, and it will be taken into consideration as we work through the longer term plan for the development. 

    BC Housing will apply for rezoning and will work closely with the city and the community on future long-term plans for the site. A proposed long-term use has not yet been determined.

Page last updated: 21 Mar 2022, 11:17 AM